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Thread: Spread

  1. #1

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    Hello folks!

    Here is a game in question:
    8 deck, ENHC, DAS, no RSA, no surrender, S17, penetration varies between 1.5-2.0 deck cut off

    I'd read that for shoe games you would need to have a higher bet spread. Would 1-20 be an acceptable bet spread in order to be ahead of a 8 deck game? Or would you suggest even a higher one like 1-24? My next question is why? I am a red chipper player (5 euro) from Europe and by far i have been successfully using reko with a 1-10 spread without heat. (recreational-hobby player)
    But to be honest i have a feeling that if i popped up my bets from being 2x5 euro up to 2x100 it would raise some eyebrows that's for sure-I assume...
    Don't you guys think it would be TOO obvious and logical that i am up to something?!

    Thanks for any input

  2. #2
    Banned or Suspended
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    Dec 2011
    Eastern U S A

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    If you insist on using REKO I would suggest that going to a 24 to 1 spread is a good idea.
    A better idea is learning a strong count, so that a 15 to 1 spread will suffice and you'll be
    much less likely to be "shown the door."

    As you are a (self-described) recreational player REKO will suffice for low-stakes purposes.

  3. #3

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    Thank You Zen! I've been still seriously thinking of your offer to learn HI OPT II. But i have to give a last shot at this. (higher spread and also testing my own limits)

  4. #4
    Banned or Suspended
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    You are welcome, ferenc11

    I will say that I see your referenced game as pretty "unplayable", irrespective of the
    count employed, unless the penetration is < ½ deck and the tables are uncrowded.

  5. #5

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    Shilling goin la.

  6. #6

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    optimal bet sizing is a function of your advantage, how much risk you will tolerate in order to achieve a particular level of reward and your bankroll. it has nothing to do with the table minimum.

  7. #7

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    Don't you guys think it would be TOO obvious and logical that i am up to something?!

    Who cares? If you get banned there just move on to somewhere else. Lots of casinos in the world.

    I agree with the posters that say this game is pretty marginal. It is good practice to scout all the nearby games and play the best one or ones.

  8. #8

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    he said he is a hobbyist. i doubt he would want to get bar . his objective is probably very different from yours ,Meistro.

  9. #9

    3 out of 3 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    What amazes me is that questions are continually asked about things that can be resolved using CVCX and CVData. Questions about spreads and risk are common. Those questions are quickly answered with CVCX/CVData. We see questions than ask for a comparison please "Method A and Method B."

    Buy the software. It's not that expensive, and 95% of the questions that are asked can be answered by running some simulations. Beyond that, these forums can be used when you are puzzled about how to configure something or the implications of a given metric.

    Run the sims. Then use Casino Verite' to practice-practice-practice. The 'cat herder' has some very good software.

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