Below are three figures derived from three two-billion-round CVData sims for a 6D, H17, 75% pen game.
The first figure, "Upcard Rate", shows the probability for each rank to be the dealer's upcard. Note that the "X" has a separate scale on the right of the figure. No surprises here: as the TC rises, the "Smalls" probability falls, the "Neutrals" probability changes very little, and the "Large" probability increases.
The second figure, "Dealer Bust Rate for All Upcards", shows the probability of a dealer bust
given the indicated upcard. If you're having trouble reading the legend, at TC=0 the lines, from the top down, are for 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 7, 8, 9, X, and A. This information might be helpful if you're playing some of the new sidebets like "Dealer Bust 21" (see
The third figure, "Dealer Bust Frequency for All Upcards", shows the probability that the dealer
will get the indicated upcard and then bust. Here at TC=0, from the top down, the lines are for X, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 7, 8, 9, and A. The X dominates, due to the plurality of X's compared to the other upcards.
Hope this information is useful!
Dog Hand
Attachment 1293Attachment 1294Attachment 1295