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Thread: Fake ID: Do's and Dont's?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Houston, TX

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    Fake ID: Do's and Dont's?

    Technically it is illegal to even posses a fake ID, but law enforcement only really take action when you're using it during the commission of a crime like cashing a check using your fake ID, or presenting your fake ID to a cop. I have NEVER heard of a card counter being detained and arrested for obtaining a player card with a fake ID. I will be the first one in history I do know that much. If a counter does get caught by the casino (rare) they take the ID and trespass you. Harrah's AC attempted to call the cops on one counter after they caught him using a fake ID. The cops refused to send an officer out, told them to confiscate the ID, and 86 him. What I'd like to know is how they caught him? What action lead to him being caught? Does the casino have a right to detain you if they catch you?

    I feel like this experience is similar to knowing the best course of action to take when a casino tries to trespass you. I remember learning my rights, and what to do and what not to do. It's these kinds of things I want answered and want to know what to do and what not to do.

    I would like some actual real feedback from people who are actually in this situation, and who have actually used a fake ID to obtain player's cards.


  2. #2
    Banned or Suspended
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    Lock up your wallet in your glove compartment ~ or hide every document
    with your real name on it, i.e. (credit card, library card, insurance card, etc.)

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