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Thread: Bankroll management

  1. #1

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    Bankroll management

    I have a question about bankroll management:

    I'm aware that I need about 100 times my top bet to have a risk of ruin of about 5%, but the question I have is how much do I need per session? I don't see myself bringing $30,000 dollars at the $25 table.

    Thank you

  2. #2

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    For a 6d game I have 10 to 15 max bets in my pocket. Nothing like getting a four way split and a few doubles to have 6 max bets on one hand.

  3. #3

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    For a $25 minimum table where your max bet might be $300, having 100 times your top bet in your total bankroll ($30,000) is a good idea. The session bankroll is certainly much less than this. In BJA3, DonS uses 30 starting units as a session bankroll (p. 293). This would be $750. However, he discusses having two session bankrolls ($1,500) with you and allows you to dip into the second bankroll if the count is still high and the shoe is not over, or if you need more money to make a correct play (split and/or double). Personally, I usually bring at least $1,500 to a $25 minimum table.

  4. #4

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    Thank you guys! Looks like $1500 may be the way to go.

  5. #5

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    Moses, what the hell are you doing, sending the man in with two or three max bets.

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by moses View Post
    Of course, I keep a couple thou in my pocket. But they are very sensitive about buy in amounts in this neck of the woods. Flash would probably tell you $500 is too much. But $30k? People in the pit would start fainting.
    This brings up a very good question I have been meaning to ask. How much do you buy in for? Personally, while I bring $1,500 to a $25 table, I usually buy-in for about $400. I think it makes me look more ploppy-esque to dig into my pocket for more cash when I lose the $400 or when I need to double a big bet. On the other hand, when I hit a good shoe, and I'm betting $300 round after round near the end of the shoe, it seems suspicious to have only bought in for $400 so I've wondered if I should up my buy-in to $600 or $800. Thoughts?

  7. #7

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    Why don't you guys decide wheather this is sd dd or 6d.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by moses View Post
    O Lord, don't do that. Lol $500 should suffice. That gives you two stacks of 10 each.
    That has to be a joke. I don't care if you're at a SD game, DD game, or 6D game, you should NEVER go to the $25 Table with ONLY $500 LOL. That is absolutely ridiculous haha.
    Last edited by Ryemo; 07-15-2016 at 09:46 PM.

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryemo View Post
    That has to be a joke. I don't care if you're at a SD game, DD game, or 6D game, you should NEVER go to the $25 Table with ONLY $500 LOL. That is absolutely ridiculous haha.
    Agreed, cute story. Went to dinner with several purples and 3 green in my pocket, returned from dinner and put only the 3 greens in the table. Cashed that out for another 2 purples.

    Sometimes you get lucky and simply never need a second buy in, others, you buy in big and are lucky to come out with your backside in 1 piece. That's why we should always be well capitalized.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cardguy View Post
    For a $25 minimum table where your max bet might be $300, having 100 times your top bet in your total bankroll ($30,000) is a good idea. The session bankroll is certainly much less than this. In BJA3, DonS uses 30 starting units as a session bankroll (p. 293). This would be $750. However, he discusses having two session bankrolls ($1,500) with you and allows you to dip into the second bankroll if the count is still high and the shoe is not over, or if you need more money to make a correct play (split and/or double). Personally, I usually bring at least $1,500 to a $25 minimum table.
    Cardguy, The example you gave in BJA3 on page 293 you left off mentioning one of the most important points. In the example you do not play any hands below +1, under a play all senario, would require a much larger session bank.

  11. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryemo View Post
    That has to be a joke. I don't care if you're at a SD game, DD game, or 6D game, you should NEVER go to the $25 Table with ONLY $500 LOL. That is absolutely ridiculous haha.
    Thank God they told him to bring $750, not $500.

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by moses View Post
    It's not so much about what you come in with but what you leave with. Every buyin and cashout are recorded. Getting in and out without being notice and meeting goal is a double victory. With a 1 to 4 spread limit they would wonder why you are buying in for so much. Of course, if you minimum is more than $25 you'd buy in for more and they'd set it on your first. I just never felt opening for $800 would send the right message.
    Moses, The original post had nothing to do with how much you bye in for, The question that was asked was how much money you needed to bring for session play at $25 tables.

  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zach Black View Post
    For a 6d game I have 10 to 15 max bets in my pocket. Nothing like getting a four way split and a few doubles to have 6 max bets on one hand.
    Zach Black, In the example you gave which happens all the time, why would you only bring 10 to 15 max bets with you?

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