I love a challenge. So when the PB or table Mgr shows up and starts talking to me to try to disturb my count, I see it as an opportunity to dispel any doubt I could be a counter.

I'll make eye contact with the interlocutor, talk back, turn around to take a mental snapshot of the cards dealt, then turn back quickly and keep on chatting, while keeping on with the mental arithmetic.

So... I had no issue talking with a veteran PB. Who then proceded to tell me a long nonsensical joke with a totally unfunny punchline. I pretended this was somewhat funny and kept on playing. At that point I was losing. I did come back and made a little bit of money. The experience was actually very entertaining.

Is this type of technique to mess up with you common? Or is it just because he's a veteran PB who has seen it all? Anyone has a similar story to share?

And this is where I'd like to thank Norm for CVBJ and the drills companion. I would not be a solid counter without practicing almost daily with these two pieces of software.