OK; did a quick search. Didn't really see anything but didn't read all of the threads as they didn't seem relevant to what I was looking for. Someone had mentioned "breaking the shoe" in a thread and it brought to mind a question I had on procedure. In Vegas; Tunica (as far as I know).......in shoe games, if ALL players leave for any length of time, the dealers "break the shoe" and spread the cards across the table. Then they reshuffle when new players come into the game. They do NOT leave the played/discarded cards in the shoe and wait until players arrive at the table.
However, here, in the Sooner State, I have seen BOTH procedures.......the one being different, where they will just leave the cards in the shoe........then when new players arrive they will burn one card and start dealing from what remains in the shoe. If you ASK them to shuffle the shoe and there are not TOO many cards in the shoe, they will do so on request. I guess they are just trying to conserve time.
Do any of you experts have any thoughts on how that procedure or different procedure would affect win rate, EV, anything substantial? Maybe I'm just being paranoid as this would not be something that you could necessarily analyze in a program, as you don't know how many cards or decks are left each time. I'm making a "blanket" assumption that if the cards were running good........therefore likely a positive deck remaining, that players would STILL be playing or it would not be an empty table. But you know what ASSUME means.
Of course if you were wonging, this could be a good or bad thing BUT I wasn't sure. Just interested in your thoughts. Maybe I'm paranoid; maybe it's a stupid question and blast me. But for some reason it just "seems" more kosher if they would re-shuffle the decks again IF new players arrived. Perhaps it's an anti-counter procedure? And perhaps there are simulations that show that if you entered a game toward back of shoe, that you would have a better win rate.