I'm curious how those of you who travel frequently to play factor in travel times, expenses, and opportunity costs to decide whether or not a trip is worth it.
Do you look at it as a ratio ( if the EV is > 20x cost, then it's a go)?
Do you look at it in absolute terms (if the trip is worth > X after expenses then it's a go)?
How do you factor in opportunity cost of not being able to play a more convenient game with a lower EV, or of missing someone's b.day party?
How about trip duration? Go for 3-4 days and return every few months, or go for 2-3+ weeks until you're invited not to play anymore, something else? If you have the flexibility and do some of each, then what helps inform your decision?
I'm not looking for answers to a problem, just curious about how you guys approach this.
I'll start off:
I've been using a rough 10:1 EV to expense ratio if flying is involved. I'm willing to go a bit lower if the game is something other than straight counting(it may seem counter intuitive as non-count plays are frequently much more lucrative, but I put a premium on the generally lower N0 from non-count plays), in a place that's expensive to reach, or in a place where I've never been and want to visit anyway.
I'm more likely to consider personal/social opportunity costs than fiscal ones, and will schedule trips around important birthdays, events, etc.
I generally do short AP trips.
I have done a few long (6+ weeks) trips in the past 2 years, but less than half of the time on those trips was dedicated to AP.