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Thread: Subscription expirations

  1. #1
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Subscription expirations

    Subscriptions can be recurring or non-recurring. Recurring subscriptions are automatically extended when they expire. When a recurring subscription is about to expire, an e-mail warning is sent. This gives the member the opportunity to cancel the subscription. However, when a non-recurring subscription is about to expire, I decided NOT to send a warning. Frankly, because I hate bothering people with e-mails. So, unless the member realizes that the subscription has expired, it may appear as though some of the forums mysteriously emptied. Of course that member can re-subscribe.

    You can see your subscription expiration date by clicking Settings (at the top) and then Paid Subscriptions (down the list at the left). Not Subscriptions, which are thread subscriptions.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  2. #2

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    RE: "When a recurring subscription is about to expire, an e-mail warning is sent. This gives the member the opportunity to cancel the subscription."

    I DIDN'T get such/this, I HATE THIS TACTIC.

    My website hosting provider:

    "This is a billing reminder that your invoice no. 893665082 which was generated on 12/19/2014 is due on 01/02/2015."

    I get this AT LEAST a week ***BEFORE they CHARGE my account. Out of 20 (or so) hosting co's I've had, THIS is THE ONLY one that does this (
    hostrocket). ***I LOVE THEM....

    THX & God Bless!

  3. #3
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Would you please look at the charge? You didn't get a renewal notice because it isn’t due. The charge was NOT a renewal. It was made seven weeks ago and was your original subscription, not a renewal. Please look at your e-mail to me. The charge is dated Nov. 10th, the day you subscribed.
    Last edited by Norm; 12-27-2014 at 08:52 AM.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  4. #4
    Senior Member Bodarc's Avatar
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    Lord, where do they all come from?
    Play within your bankroll, pick your games with care and learn everything you can about the game. The winning will come. It has to. It's in the cards. -- Bryce Carlson

  5. #5

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    How do I make my subscription non-renewing? I see three options for auto-renewal in the cost box, but none to remvoe the auto-renewal.


  6. #6
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    To cancel a subscription:

    Log in to your PayPal account.
    1 Click the Settings icon next to "Log out."
    2 Select Preapproved Payments under "Payment settings."
    3 Select the merchant whose agreement you want to cancel and click Cancel.
    4 Click Cancel Profile to confirm your request.

    There may be other options. It's all controlled by PayPal.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

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