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Thread: A radical thought

  1. #1
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    A radical thought

    I was reflecting on today’s agreement calling for PokerStars to pay $731 million to settle charges and buy Full Tilt Poker. This is a remarkable amount of money for a casino that was founded in 2001 in Costa Rica by a single family and is now located on the Isle of Man with no actual physical casino. No billion dollar investment in a massive hotel-casino complex. I was wondering what kind of BJ rules and Poker rake one could afford if such a company was created as a non-profit. Take enough money out of the games to allow for growth and a bullet-proof risk of ruin; but don’t pull out hundreds of millions for the owners. Tens of millions in kick-backs (sorry, affiliate fees) and advertising could also probably be slashed. Considering how poorly average Internet gamblers play; it might even be possible to bring back 1960’s Las Vegas single-deck Blackjack.

    Just a thought. I'll wake up now.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    To survive, every gambling enterprise ever founded has had to make sufficient payoffs to those in power, and online poker rooms are no exception.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    it might even be possible to bring back 1960’s Las Vegas single-deck Blackjack.

    Just a thought. I'll wake up now.
    Norm, you are more equipped than most to be able to destroy 1960's SD blackjack offered online. It can't ever happen in a big way.

    You should invest in a skin and get started! I'd be delighted to gamble at Norm's Casino.

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