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Thread: Dealer thought I wanted to tip him , but I really didn't...

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Nikky_Flash's Avatar
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    Dealer thought I wanted to tip him , but I really didn't...

    One of my side notes that I forgot to mention last time I played , was during one shoe when the count gave me slight advantage, it called for me to give my min-bet a couple extra bucks on top, (I play red-chip action, so I think it was a one of those 2.50$ chips or a couple dollar chips , I don't recall) but if I remember right, it slid off the stack a little , like was hanging off the side of the stack, but still in the circle , or maybe it ended up next to my red-chip , I don't know -but I'm almost positive it was all there-in the betting circle. Nothing was outside that.

    Well come to find , I happened to lose that particular hand , but the dealer says to me, " oh well, ya know I appreciate ya tryin' "
    as if the little extra was a BET FOR HIM ! ?? I just sat there wondering if that's what he meant...and I'm still wondering to this day....
    Has this happened to anyone else? or how do I avoid the misunderstanding? By having a perfect stack exactly perfect? Is there an ettiquite I didn't learn about a chip sliding off goes to the dealer? nothing about that in the countless books I've read...
    please advise I would appreciate any comments on I would like to play there again, seemed like a good fit for me, don't want confusion during a monster high count.
    Thank you,
    “It seemed to me ... that any civilization that had so far lost its head as to need to include a set of detailed instructions for use in a package of toothpicks, was no longer a civilization in which I could live and stay sane.

  2. #2
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    I don't see how the chip slipped off the top of your stack unless the table was a wobbling lol. Sounds like a greedy dealer. Looks like they would fix it because I know sometimes the dealers will clean up your spot if your bet isn't quite centered or isn't in one stack.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Nikky_Flash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by code red View Post
    I don't see how the chip slipped off the top of your stack unless the table was a wobbling lol. Sounds like a greedy dealer. Looks like they would fix it because I know sometimes the dealers will clean up your spot if your bet isn't quite centered or isn't in one stack.
    I wasn't being careful and just put it on crooked kinda , then someone moved at the table and it slid off ...
    “It seemed to me ... that any civilization that had so far lost its head as to need to include a set of detailed instructions for use in a package of toothpicks, was no longer a civilization in which I could live and stay sane.

  4. #4
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    I would let him think it was a tip... unless I won. He may have been trying to suggest a tip knowing full well it wasn't meant to be a tip. There are lots of ways dealers troll for tips.

    Betting a rainbow stack of chips isn't a good idea. It slows down the game and pisses off the dealers. You had 3 colors in your stack. The dealer has to stop and break down your bet to pay it. With one color he simply and quickly matches the stack with the same color chips of the same height. I have seen dealers color up rainbow stacks as they pay it, silently screaming bet one color you idiot or as few as possible. Only to see the idiots betting the same rainbow stack hand after hand. You were betting $9.50 so why not $10 in the form of 2 red chips rather than 1 red chip, 1 pink chip and 2 white chips. If you are playing a winning game more hands/hour means more money/hour. You could up the speed at your table by stopping the rainbow bets. Give yourself a raise by betting one color stacks.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Nikky_Flash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
    I would let him think it was a tip... unless I won. He may have been trying to suggest a tip knowing full well it wasn't meant to be a tip. There are lots of ways dealers troll for tips.

    Betting a rainbow stack of chips isn't a good idea. It slows down the game and pisses off the dealers. You had 3 colors in your stack. The dealer has to stop and break down your bet to pay it. With one color he simply and quickly matches the stack with the same color chips of the same height. I have seen dealers color up rainbow stacks as they pay it, silently screaming bet one color you idiot or as few as possible. Only to see the idiots betting the same rainbow stack hand after hand. You were betting $9.50 so why not $10 in the form of 2 red chips rather than 1 red chip, 1 pink chip and 2 white chips. If you are playing a winning game more hands/hour means more money/hour. You could up the speed at your table by stopping the rainbow bets. Give yourself a raise by betting one color stacks.
    Good point , didn't think of that.
    “It seemed to me ... that any civilization that had so far lost its head as to need to include a set of detailed instructions for use in a package of toothpicks, was no longer a civilization in which I could live and stay sane.

  6. #6

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    Only the evilest of evil players will make rainbow bets. Those are the players who get shorted "on accident". Don't bet $2.50 chips unless you've accumulated 4+ of them (then bet them all at once). Don't piss off the hand that feeds you.
    "Everyone wants to be rich, but nobody wants to work for it." -Ryan Howard [The Office]

  7. #7

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    Please note: The thread is 10 1/2 years old!!


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