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Thread: Quotes

  1. #651
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    The Hacker Principles
    (1) The world is full of interesting problems waiting to be solved.
    (2) No problem should have to be solved twice.
    (3) Boredom and drudgery are evil.
    (4) Freedom is good.
    (5) Attitude is no substitute for competence.

  2. #652
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    The Five Rules of Risk
    (1) Voluntary risks are more acceptable than involuntary risks.
    (2) Acceptance is inversely proportional to prevalence.
    (3) Disease is a yardstick.
    (4) Novelty increases perceived risk.
    (5) Risk is understandable, not mystical.

  3. #653
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    Evolution of Epistemological Man
    (1) Homo Apriorus: thinks only in terms of prior beliefs ( P(O) )
    (2) Homo Pragmaticus: thinks only in terms of his observations ( P(X) )
    (3) Homo Frequentisus: predicts future observations by using prior beliefs ( P(X|O) )
    (4) Homo Sapiens: thinks in terms of both past observations and prior beliefs ( P(X,O) )
    (5) Homo Bayesianis: updates future beliefs by using his past observations ( P(O|X) )
    Last edited by JohnGalt007; 08-17-2023 at 08:52 PM.

  4. #654
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    The Moscow Rules
    The following collection of ten aphorisms separates winners from losers in various interpersonal power games.
    (1) Assume nothing.
    (2) Never act against your gut.
    (3) Everyone is potentially under opposition control.
    (4) Do not look back; you are never completely alone.
    (5) Go with the flow; blend in.
    (6) Vary your pattern and stay within your cover.
    (7) Lull your opponent into a false sense of complacency.
    (8) Do not harass the competition.
    (9) Pick the time and place for action.
    (10) Keep your options open.
    For high achievers, the world is an eternal battlefield. Make the best of every situation. Survive and thrive. Take no prisoners. And even in the best of situations, remember that you're always in someone else's crosshairs.
    Last edited by JohnGalt007; 08-20-2023 at 10:03 AM.

  5. #655
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    List of Philosophical Razors
    Occam's Razor: "Simpler explanations are more likely to be correct."
    Hitchens' Razor: "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
    Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
    Sagan Standard: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
    Alder's Razor: "If a proposition cannot be demonstrated by precise logic and/or mathematics to have observable consequences, then it is not worthy of debate."
    Grice's Razor: "Conversational implications are to be preferred over semantic content for linguistic explanations."

  6. #656
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    "I assess the power of a will by how much pain, resistance, torture it endures and knows how to turn to its advantage...The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high for the privilege of owning yourself." ~Friedrich Nietzsche

    "Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the we must stretch ourselves to the very limits of human possibility." ~Leonardo da Vinci

    "Power doesn't have to show off. Power is confident, self-assuring, self-starting and self-stopping, self-warming and self-justifying. When you have it, you know it." ~H.G. Wells

    "Luck is probability taken personally.” ~Chip Denman

  7. #657
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    when asked by a reporter why he robbed banks, the legendary Willie Sutton replied:

    "Because that's where the money is"

    Willie, if you believe him, was a gentleman bank robber
    he didn't want to hurt anybody
    he claimed the guns he carried were never loaded

    Last edited by drunk; 08-23-2023 at 06:49 AM.
    Please don't feed the trolls

  8. #658
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt007 View Post
    List of Philosophical Razors
    Occam's Razor: "Simpler explanations are more likely to be correct."
    Hitchens' Razor: "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
    Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
    Sagan Standard: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
    Alder's Razor: "If a proposition cannot be demonstrated by precise logic and/or mathematics to have observable consequences, then it is not worthy of debate."
    Grice's Razor: "Conversational implications are to be preferred over semantic content for linguistic explanations."
    Hitchen's and The Sagan Standard are very useful in discussions (arguments) in Wikipedia about inclusion. Sagan is in one of the guidelines. Hanlon's can be extended to sloppiness. Also useful are the fallacies:
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  9. #659
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drunk View Post
    "Because that's where the money is"
    Clever line -- which I believe was invented by a reporter.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  10. #660
    Senior Member drunk's Avatar
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    a few quotes from Beatles songs and others about money:

    "Money don't get everything, it's true
    But what it don't get, I can't use"

    "Well I don't care too much for money
    Money can't buy me love"

    and one from Bo Derek:

    "Whoever said money can't buy happiness doesn't know where to go shopping"

    and one from Mad Magazine:

    "What good is happiness? It can't buy money."

    "I'm having an out of money experience"_____________author unknown

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  11. #661
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    did you ever notice that everybody who drives slower than you is an idiot

    and everybody who drives faster than you is a maniac______?"

    George Carlin

    "reality is just a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs and alcohol"

    Robin Williams

    We've all heard that millions of monkeys banging on millions of typewriters would eventually reproduce the Complete Works of William Shakespeare

    Now, thanks to the internet - we know that that is not true

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  12. #662
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    "The only way to learn the rules of this Game of games is to take the usual prescribed courses, which require many years; and none of the initiates could ever possibly have any interest in making these rules easier to learn."
    ~Hermann Hesse, "The Glass Bead Game"

    "...the Game was virtually equivalent to worship, although it deliberately eschewed developing any theology of its own."
    ~Hermann Hesse, "The Glass Bead Game"

    "A whole universe of possibilities and combinations is available to the individual player. For even two out of a thousand stringently played games to resemble each other more than superficially is hardly possible."
    ~Hermann Hesse, "The Glass Bead Game"

    Needless to say, these quotes are equally applicable to blackjack, although that was fundamentally the point in the book to make the Game as vague as possible so as to liken its supposed structures to other realms of human endeavor.
    Last edited by JohnGalt007; 09-11-2023 at 06:04 PM.

  13. #663
    Senior Member drunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drunk View Post
    when asked by a reporter why he robbed banks, the legendary Willie Sutton replied:

    "Because that's where the money is".
    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    Clever line -- which I believe was invented by a reporter.

    but he did say this while explaining why he usually carried a pistol or a Thompson submachine gun

    "You can't rob a bank with charm and personality"

    Please don't feed the trolls

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