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Thread: CVCX Wonging issues

  1. #1

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    Question CVCX Wonging issues

    I bought CVCX recently to help me figure out optimal bet spreads for different situations but I'm experiencing a strange issue with recent calculations that don't seem to add up. I've been doing sims with the different included strategies and playing around with the wonging settings (In this sim: coming in at +2, leaving at -1, stopping observation at -25). What I've found is wildly different results primarily depending on whether I'm looking at the results with or without RSA. I included a couple screenshots below to show what I'm talking about on a Hi-Lo Lite sim with the wonging options described.

    With RSA (screenshot):
    Here with a $10,000 bankroll it gives me an expected hourly win of $80.43

    Without RSA (screenshot):
    With the same bankroll, it's giving me an expected hourly win of $8.10

    I tried the sims with all the same settings but with Red 7 instead, and got a difference of $8/hour and over $300/hour, with and without RSA respectively. Now obviously, this doesn't make much sense given that the additional advantage given to the player from being able to re-split aces is what, around 0.1% or less? Furthermore, even if these calculations were accurate, why would Red 7 be so drastically more profitable? Isn't Hi-Lo Lite more accurate of a system? Clearly, something must be off.

    Honestly I don't trust either of these calculations. What am I doing wrong here? Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Norm; 08-18-2013 at 08:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Install the latest update at If it still fails, click on Export (you can see it in your image) and send me an export file.

    EDIT: I have removed the links in your post as they link to a site created by convicted criminals.
    Last edited by Norm; 08-18-2013 at 08:27 AM.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  3. #3

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    I tried to reproduce your results, but got perfectly normal results for each way. Naturally, RSA won more, but nothing like what you got. Can't see anything on the screen shots that would cause your problem.



  4. #4

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    Hey guys thanks for the quick replies. I updated my CVCX to 5.0.90 and now it seems to not be drastically changing between RSA/non-RSA, but I wanted to double-check to ask if these results look correct now. I ran a new simulation with all the same parameters as before. Does this seem right?


  5. #5

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    There's something wrong with your +10 TC line in the first sim.


  6. #6
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Nothing wrong with it. It's just that the TC Frequency was less than .000%, giving meaningless results.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  7. #7

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    Just updated CVCX to 5.0.90. Maybe now I'll start to win some money.

  8. #8

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    that cvcx is really helps to make money in the real world in the casino to play blackjack??

  9. #9

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    guys where i can order cvcx updated to5.0.90 i need help


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