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Thread: Robbed, dueling AK-47's

  1. #1
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    Robbed, dueling AK-47's

    A very well liked member of the "AP Bashers", I will call him Marco Polo, was recently robbed of a high 5 figures while on a BJ trip. Normally this well known AP travels with his equally well liked teammate, but on this BJ expedition of bad intent, the teammate dropped out at the last minute, and when I was then invited I had to decline for health reasons, a damaged back from tossing my grandson around too vigourously.
    So, how did "Marco Polo" get taken down,,,,"Marco" began to get lonely, and was befriended at the table by a fine looking woman, a certain type he has a weakness for, and began to bank roll her play as the flirting increased, and her losing increased while his winning increased, Marco was winning big. After a while 'Marco" and the woman ended up in his room where some mild foreplay ensued, enough for her to gain more info about "Marco", like the fact that he wore a money belt,,,she then persuades him to ride in her car, (he has no car since he flew in), to another casino down the road, so he takes a ride in her high end vehicle. On the way to the other casino she drives through a not so great part of town, and as she stops at a stop sign the car in front of hers doors fly open, two guys come flying out and in seconds "Marco" is staring down the barrels of two AK47's,,,"give us the bread"!! they yell, poor "Marco" is terrified, gives up the money belt and then the wallet as he is instructed, and can't even remember what they looked liked, just the barrels of those AK47's he was staring down!! The woman driver is in shock and terrified, so she acts, as the robbers jump back in their car and take off down the road, what happens from this point on concerning the women and other things are to sensitive to comment on,,,,but being in a far away city, with no ID, money, credit cards, can present an entire new set of problems,,,,my poor, kind, friend "Marco". "Marco" is home now, safe and sound, except he is missing a high 5 $figures from what had been a very lucrative BJ trip, which I doubt he will ever see again

    Lessons?? I think when traveling to a distant city, on a BJ trip with bad intentions, it is best to have back up, a teammate or two to keep an eye on one another and to have each others back,,,essential I think, and as to befriending strangers at the table or other wise, a real no, matter how sweet the pu##y. Also, leave the wallet and legal ID in the room safe, I never haul that stuff around.

    Plans are now being made to win "Marco"'s money back, a three man team at some great games, covering each others back...

    No, this was not in Vegas, or Atlantic City, or Detroit,,,so be careful guys, gals,,,,,,

    Last edited by Ouchez; 07-26-2013 at 04:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member bigplayer's Avatar
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    Not the first time. I know of at least three players who were trick rolled for mid-five figures by women of "ill repute". Two of them, as it turned out, got robbed by the same woman a year apart who also happened to be an employee for Harrah's entertainment. Funnier still, even after being convicted she wasn't fired.

  3. #3
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    Ouch! A sting like that hurts... Ouchez, I bet you were surprised your friend got conned using a trick from ancient times: an attractive ho using her wily feminine ways enmeshes the mark while her cohorts wait their chance. They created quite a payday for themselves. But it won't last them long and they likely are already far away enjoying their ill-gotten right now. These three most likely have worked the same act before more than once and are getting quite good at it. It won't be long before they try again.

    A smart eye in that casino security would likely spot the two bad guys hanging around not far from that BJ table; and then later in the car park. The bad guys' car shouldn't be too hard to spot, with Sherlock Holmes on the job. These two are a real menace and need to do some serious time in a Fed prison gym. The only positive for your friend was they never left him cold in a ditch; after some AK47 spent clips.

  4. #4

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    The "getting into the car." Another person's car, in a strange city. Someone asked me to do that once, in Paris at 3 a.m.; and I knew not to. And now, 20 years later, I know I saved myself a robbing.

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
    Yes, a little common sense goes a long way. This is business not a hook up. Take care of business, get fed and rest, rinse and repeat. I get hit on all the time while playing. I figure most are hookers or worse for the most part at my current age. No need for that negative EV. You might ride some stiff positive variance for a while but when the negative rears its ugly head you will feel the fool. Be as smart away from the tables as at the tables.

    +1 on Tthree's comment.

    [Edit: political content removed]

    Last edited by Norm; 07-26-2013 at 06:26 AM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member DM21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
    Yes, a little common sense goes a long way. This is business not a hook up. Take care of business, get fed and rest, rinse and repeat. I get hit on all the time while playing. I figure most are hookers or worse for the most part at my current age. No need for that negative EV. You might ride some stiff positive variance for a while but when the negative rears its ugly head you will feel the fool. Be as smart away from the tables as at the tables.
    Stiff positive variance is a good thing, soft positive variance can be a bit emabarrassing All joking aside, I am very paranoid when caring my large amounts of money, large to me anyway. I have my spider senses on full alert because there are people out there that do nothing but look for opportunities like this. I monitor people that maybe hoovering at the tables and the cashier cage. I just assume everyone is up to no good and protect myself accordingly by not being a easy target. I feel bad for the guy though.
    Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes, by then you are a mile away and have his shoes.

  7. #7

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    So does "Marco" take the loss or does he report it to the authorities?

  8. #8
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    Ouchez, I am sorry your friend went through that experience. I don't mean to be insensitive, but I don't understand the mentality involved. The saying goes to "separate business and pleasure", and that's under 'normal' business circumstances. In this particular business, we are required to carry large amounts of cash. This element of carrying cash, unfortunately attracts this criminal element almost everywhere there are casinos. Where there is cash, there are people, up to no good, that want to separate you from your cash. So in this particular business, separating business and pleasure is a no brainer. And AP play is business, whether you play for a living, semi-serious or just as a hobby.

    I mean come on, we all like pleasure and orgasms and all that GOOD stuff, but one of the mandatory requirements of AP play is a strong sense of discipline and self control.

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    He did the right thing by giving up the loot instead of his life AND the loot. Still, yo momma probably told ya, "dont talk to strangers" tellin em bout yo money stash too is jus foolish. If only he had a pic of the women. I know some people that do some buisness. Handled real quick. Make them AKs look like water pistols.
    Seriously thou, all of luck in the recovery missions.


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    I'm curious what he's done since the incident? I would've reported it immediately, had the police check the tapes for the girl, find out who she is (if she's been arrested before, they would have her mugshot and possibly known associates), bring her in for questioning and go from there... It sounds like it was a setup and by getting to her, they can get to the guys who jumped him. Even if he doesn't get his money back, he protects himself and other victims by sending them to prison. I assume that the casino sees him as a high roller and not a counter (otherwise he would've been backed off by now) and they'd bend over backwards to make sure he feels safe and the perps get caught. Of course now that this thread exists, if the casino happened to see it and put two and two together, he'd be screwed. If he's asked it's not like he has to say "I was in the casino playing blackjack... and counting cards" he would just leave out the counting part.

    Thoughts? Am I wrong about this? Maybe it's in my nature since I'm an undercover FBI agent and all..........
    Vaya con Dios...

  11. #11
    Senior Member Jabberwocky's Avatar
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    nice work Beavis

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyUtah View Post
    I'm curious what he's done since the incident? I would've reported it immediately, had the police check the tapes for the girl, find out who she is (if she's been arrested before, they would have her mugshot and possibly known associates), bring her in for questioning and go from there... It sounds like it was a setup and by getting to her, they can get to the guys who jumped him. Even if he doesn't get his money back, he protects himself and other victims by sending them to prison. I assume that the casino sees him as a high roller and not a counter (otherwise he would've been backed off by now) and they'd bend over backwards to make sure he feels safe and the perps get caught. Of course now that this thread exists, if the casino happened to see it and put two and two together, he'd be screwed. If he's asked it's not like he has to say "I was in the casino playing blackjack... and counting cards" he would just leave out the counting part.

    Thoughts? Am I wrong about this? Maybe it's in my nature since I'm an undercover FBI agent and all..........
    This guy was asking for a Grecian-type tragedy. The hijackers could have easily been casino agents.
    Vincit Qui Patitur

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyUtah View Post
    I'm curious what he's done since the incident? I would've reported it immediately, had the police check the tapes for the girl, find out who she is (if she's been arrested before, they would have her mugshot and possibly known associates), bring her in for questioning and go from there... It sounds like it was a setup and by getting to her, they can get to the guys who jumped him. Even if he doesn't get his money back, he protects himself and other victims by sending them to prison. I assume that the casino sees him as a high roller and not a counter (otherwise he would've been backed off by now) and they'd bend over backwards to make sure he feels safe and the perps get caught. Of course now that this thread exists, if the casino happened to see it and put two and two together, he'd be screwed. If he's asked it's not like he has to say "I was in the casino playing blackjack... and counting cards" he would just leave out the counting part.

    Thoughts? Am I wrong about this? Maybe it's in my nature since I'm an undercover FBI agent and all..........
    Well, you would think so,,,wouldn't you............................................... .....................then again there is the stark reality,,, versus the propaganda of, "To Serve and Protect". It is at times like this you learn just how much, or how little, people really care,,and then you realize, you have only yourself, family, and a few true close friends you can depend upon,,,,,,,,,


  13. #13
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ouchez View Post
    Well, you would think so,,,wouldn't you............................................... .....................then again there is the stark reality,,, versus the propaganda of, "To Serve and Protect". It is at times like this you learn just how much, or how little, people really care,,and then you realize, you have only yourself, family, and a few true close friends you can depend upon,,,,,,,,,

    Well, let's not go too far. Look, I absolutely sympathize and have taken chances all too many times in my own life. But, like anything else, if you take risks, sometimes you will get bitten. You need to balance the risk/reward ratio. Blaming authorities because you took a risk that didn’t work out is not an effective path. They aren’t baby sitters (thankfully), and unless you want the authorities watching your every move, they aren’t going to be able to make life pain-free. And you certainly can’t blame authorities if you don’t report the crime, putting others in danger of the same situation.

    I’m certainly not blaming the victim either. He just partook in pleasures that cost him more than he expected. Life is a high-variance game. Hope he wins back twice as much.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

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