To take part in discussions, enter the chat rooms, use instant messaging, use private messaging, remove ads, and access all pages, register by clicking the Register button at the upper right of the window. Registration is free and BTF (Blackjack: The Forum) has a strict anti-SPAM policy.
Before posting, please read the Posting Guidelines Sticky. (A sticky is a post that always remains at the top.)
Navigation Bar
Near the top of the window, you will find the Navbar used to reach different areas of BTF. Submenus and sub-submenus can be found just under the Navbar. Click on a Navbar button, and the submenus will change.
The chat rooms are open 24 hours. The Chat Room button in the Navbar displays the number of members in the rooms, and the “What’s Going On?” Box at the bottom lists the current attendees. This list is only updated every ten minutes. To see an up-to-date list of chatters; on the Navbar submenu, select Community and then Who’s chatting.
Note: The “Who’s Chatting” feature is a double-edged sword. A list of chatters will attract more and result in a more dynamic chat. But, many people won’t enter an empty room, making it more difficult to get a chat going.
What’s New?
Click What’s New to see a list of posts that you have not read that have been posted recently. The “What’s New?” Submenu button “Mark Forums Read” will clear this list. To see all posts made today, under the Forum button, click “Quick Links” and then “Today’s Posts.” Note: The Today's Posts link omits posts from the Stuff and Sports sections as per a request from the membership.
BJ Resources
Click BJ Resources to access a set of free Blackjack resources: calculators, charts, etc. You must be registered to use some of these features.
News Signup
To sign up for e-mail announcements, click this button. These announcements will be rare and you can easily remove yourself from the list.
On the right side of the main page, you will see several boxes. The chat schedule, recent changes to the forum, the most recent posts and new threads can be found on the side bar.
The search function has been significantly enhanced and is very fast. For a simple search, use the search box on the right of the Navbar. The advanced search link can be found below the search box. Note that there are two tabs in Advanced Search with different functionality. When you are reading a forum or thread, you will also see a search forum or thread function at the top. Many other functions can be found on the title bar when searching forums and threads, like thread rating, subscription, display modes, e-mail functions and View First Unread.
On the Forum submenu, click FAQ for detailed documentation, along with its own search function.
Private Messaging
Private Messaging is the internal e-mail. You can PM other members using their member names without knowing their e-mail addresses. You cannot use this feature until you have been a member for five days and have made five posts. If you wish e-mail notification when you receive a PM, go to Settings (very top of the window), General Settings, on the left side bar, and you will find several Private Messaging options.
Instant Messaging
Facebook-like Instant Messaging is available at the bottom of the window. This allows non-permanent one-on-one mini chats with currently signed on members. You must “friend” a member before using this function to communicate with that member. There are several ways to friend someone. One way is to click Community on the Navbar submenu, then Member List. Click on the alphabetic filter at the top, click on the member name, click Add as a Friend on the left. The member will receive a Friend notification and must approve the request.
If you are subscribed to a thread or forum, you will receive e-mails when new posts are made. In the member Settings screen – General Settings, you can set several automatic subscription options. On the main screen, you can click on the green checkmarks in the middle of the screen to subscribe to forums. When browsing a forum or thread, the forum tools and thread tools menus on the title bar allow you to subscribe.
There is a large icon at the left of every forum and thread. See the icon legend at the bottom of the forum or thread to see the definitions.
I am one of those that thought avatars (individual member icons) are silly. I’ve come to change my mind, and have added them to the Last Post column on the main page. The avatars allow you to instantly notice who has made posts in each forum, and in the New Posts and last New Threads boxes.
Anyone can create a poll. When you create a thread, you will find a poll option. Set the number of possible answers, and when you post the thread, you will be presented with the polling setup screen.
If you wish to attach an image, you can upload images to the forum. Click on Manage Attachments when you create a post.
VBulletin for WebBBS Users
For a quickstart in the use of this forum for those used to older forum software, see VB for WB users.
Click on Blogs on the navigation bar to enter the blogs section. Anyone can start a blog. All members can comment on blog articles.
AP News
Click on AP News on the navigation bar to enter the articles section. This is our equivalent of a newsletter. Advantages include: Anyone can post an article. Anyone can comment on an article. Articles can be posted when they are fresh, instead of waiting for the end of the month. Articles can be rated. A permanent record is kept. Articles and comments are included in Search results.
News and Blog Feeds
Several interesting blogs are automatically imported into the Feeds forums in the subscription forums when new posts are made to these outside blogs Included are: Gambling With an Edge, Wizard of Odds, Beyond Counting, The Bear Growls, Gambling and the Law, Google Casino News Feed.
Casino Vérité Link
CVBJ users can see new thread notifications while practicing. See CVBJ Link post.
Twitter Feed
All posts are fed to Twitter. If you are a twitter user, you can add hash tags when posting a new thread.
Inward Links
Obviously, links from other sites are of value as they can bring additional traffic and experience. To link to this forum, use the following:
HTML Code:
<A HREF=”HTTP://”>Blackjack: The Forum</A>
Suggestions, problems, etc. should be posted in the suggestions forum near the bottom. I wanted the top forum to be about Blackjack, not the forum, and thus moved it down.