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Thread: Good-bye and thank you!

  1. #1

    Good-bye and thank you!

    As you have probably learned by now, RGE has decided to discontinue its blackjack forums, including Don's Domain, which had gotten very little traffic in the past few years.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank our many loyal readers for what was a great run of almost 12 years. The level of discussions and the quality of the posts by virtually every luminary in the blackjack world were unparalleled, and I was proud to be a small part of such an unprecedented collaborative effort by The Masters for over a decade.

    Now, all of these posts will live on, on Norm's boards, for future generations to discover. I couldn't be more pleased! Thank you, Norm, for assuring that the legacy of the forums will not be forgotten.

    And, of course, I will continue to post on Norm's site and on BJ21, so, if you're looking for me, I shouldn't be hard to find!

    Again, my thanks and appreciation to all those who made Don's Domain the success that it was, and a special thank you to webmasters Viktor Nacht and Bettie Paige for all of their support over the years.

    Good luck, and ... good cards!

    Last edited by DSchles; 03-15-2014 at 05:57 PM.

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