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Thread: MG28: ubzII backcount 6 deck

  1. #1

    MG28: ubzII backcount 6 deck

    I have a bit of confusion regarding entrance points using the UBZII. George C's 'play all counts' betting approach suggests moving to 2 units at a running count of 0. However, for 6 deck games, he notes that increasing bets at -15 after 1D; -12 after 2D; or -9 after 3D could add strength. I therefore assumed these counts as good points to enter shoes. BJAII Ch 9 suggests a first bet at -6 (at least for S17 DAS). Would -6 be a significantly superior entrance point? I am new to blackjack, so please pardon any ignorance in my question. Thanks for the help!


  2. #2
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Re: ubzII backcount 6 deck

    > I have a bit of confusion regarding entrance points
    > using the UBZII. George C's 'play all counts' betting
    > approach suggests moving to 2 units at a running count
    > of 0. However, for 6 deck games, he notes that
    > increasing bets at -15 after 1D; -12 after 2D; or -9
    > after 3D could add strength. I therefore assumed these
    > counts as good points to enter shoes. BJAII Ch 9
    > suggests a first bet at -6 (at least for S17 DAS).
    > Would -6 be a significantly superior entrance point? I
    > am new to blackjack, so please pardon any ignorance in
    > my question. Thanks for the help!

    I verified with CVCX, and -6, for 4.5/6, S17, DAS, is the first instance where there is any advantage whatsoever.

    So, -9 definitely seems premature to me.



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