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Thread: Blackjack Knight: RA All Indices?

  1. #1
    Blackjack Knight

    Blackjack Knight: RA All Indices?

    Given the RA universe we now live in would it be better to create all positive double and split indices by instead of flooring or truncating we rounded all indices up?

    I believe Griffin stated that doubling to early is not a good thing. If you then take in human error it seems rounding up would be correct.

    I would think if I was mathematically talented enough and in the early history of card counting I would have rounded up and erred on doubling to late rather then to soon.

    It seems a lot of the current RA indices are just a function of rounding up.

  2. #2
    Blackjack Knight

    Blackjack Knight: Re: RA All Indices?

    > Given the RA universe we now live in would it be
    > better to create all positive double and split indices
    > by instead of flooring or truncating we rounded all
    > indices up?

    > I believe Griffin stated that doubling to early is not
    > a good thing. If you then take in human error it seems
    > rounding up would be correct.

    > I would think if I was mathematically talented enough
    > and in the early history of card counting I would have
    > rounded up and erred on doubling to late rather then
    > to soon.

    > It seems a lot of the current RA indices are just a
    > function of rounding up.

    Griffin "The Theory of Blackjack" the elephant book, bottom of page 107

    "This suggests that it would be a service to both the memory and the pocket book to round playing indices to the nearest conveniently remembered and more extreme value."

  3. #3

    Zenfighter: Re: RA All Indices?

    You?re correct here that the employment of RA indices is the modern way to go, mainly because they tend to improve the general performance of your selected counting system in the long run. On the other hand, while using ev-maximizing ones, especially against the shoe, you won?t notice any noticeable difference (in the long run) no matter how they were extracted; floored, rounded-up and/or truncate. The very concept of precise index is somehow phantom.

    It seems a lot of the current RA indices are just a function of rounding up.

    Not always. Your own unit/bank bet as well as your practical selected TC for maximizing, can alter these a little bit. Besides with quite risky propositions the difference can be noticeable, e.g.
    T vs. T with North American rules.
    11 vs. T with European rules.

    Here the jumps tend to raise eyebrows. :-)



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