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Thread: [email protected]: Who can I contact to verify calculations?

  1. #1

    [email protected]: Who can I contact to verify calculations?

    Using C and combinatorics I believe I found a strategy, EV, and variance of a new game (I did not do simulation yet). I would like someone to verify this, whom I can trust (to be accurate, to not burn out the game, and to not take credit for my work). Any recommendations and contact information would be much appreciated. I'm sure I should know this already, but I'm not as active on forums as I should be. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Re: Who can I contact to verify calculations?

    > Using C and combinatorics I believe I found a
    > strategy, EV, and variance of a new game (I did not do
    > simulation yet). I would like someone to verify this,
    > whom I can trust (to be accurate, to not burn out the
    > game, and to not take credit for my work). Any
    > recommendations and contact information would be much
    > appreciated. I'm sure I should know this already, but
    > I'm not as active on forums as I should be. Thanks!

    Check Mike Shackleford at


  3. #3

    [email protected]: Re: Who can I contact to verify calculations?

    I checked with Mike Shackleford, and while he is interested in knowing what I found, he does not have much interest in verifying my results since the game is not in vegas yet. I was thinking of someone like J. Grosjean. Thanks.

  4. #4

    Bettie: Re: Who can I contact to verify calculations?

    James is a very, VERY busy guy, always traveling and always with something going on. I believe he can be contacted via the site.


  5. #5
    Jake {|:>)

    Jake {|:>): Re: Who can I contact to verify calculations?

    Cacarulo is a man of integrity. I would trust him to do this witghout question. Although he too is a very busy person.


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