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Thread: Norm Wattenberger: CVCX Update

  1. #1
    Norm Wattenberger

    Norm Wattenberger: CVCX Update

    As per the discussion in the below thread, a new version of CVCX is now available with a single-barrier trip risk calculator. To use, click on Calculators. Then click on the Trip Risk button. The EV & Std Dev for the current game will be automatically copied. You can try different bankrolls and numbers of hands and see the trip risk. This is in addition to the double-barrier, goal oriented Risk calculator and the overall long-term RoR calculations. The update is free and can be obtained at the below link:

  2. #2
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Re: CVCX Update

    When I clicked on the hypertext, I downloaded the material. When I went to the download, it seemed to want to reinstall the entire CVCX.



  3. #3
    Norm Wattenberger

    Norm Wattenberger: Re: CVCX Update

    > When I clicked on the hypertext, I
    > downloaded the material. When I went to the
    > download, it seemed to want to reinstall the
    > entire CVCX.

    Nope. But all my updates go through an install procedure.


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