> I'm sure it is crystal clear to everyone
> else.

Maybe, but that doesn't help you, so we'll try again.

> But first,

> 2 decks gone, 4 decks unseen, twelve excess
> small cards played, IRC is -24, RC is now
> -12.

I explained this once, but you seem to have ignored it. there is an imbalance of 4 small cards with every deck in K-O. [/i]Without having any excess whatsoever,[/i] after two decks are gone, you expect the -24 RC to have increased to by 8 to -16. You have no edge because of that increase at all. If, in reality, there are now 12 excess small cards dealt in addition to the 8 expected,, then the RC is -4. Dividing by 4, the TC becomes -1. You make a larger bet, because, as a TKO player, you know that TC = -1 means a nice advantage.

You don't have to relate anything to Hi-Lo. Some people don't know Hi-Lo exists.

> Divide RC -12 by 4 and get your KO TC of -3.

> [Have I jumped the track yet?]

Yes, you have. See above.

> What does that mean to me? What do I relate
> that number to?

Nothing at all. You relate it to values that mean something to a TKO player.

> Play like I never heard of HILO in my life.

Exactly! See, you're learning already! :-)

> Where do I go to find out that the number -3
> above is telling me I have an approx 1.5%
> increase in my advantage?


To TKO books, articles, posts, etc.

> I'm still smiling, but I'm beginning to
> sound like SSR and I don't like it very
> much.

Patience, patience.
