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Thread: Bren_22: Advanced Card Counting/UBZII

  1. #1

    Bren_22: Advanced Card Counting/UBZII

    Hi all,
    What kind of topics are covered in George C's "Advanced Card Counting"? I mean the topics which make this an Advanced Card Counting book, not subjects that cover team play and camo etc..(although I readily acknowledge their importance).
    Also, is there anybody on this board that uses George's UBZII count?

  2. #2
    John Auston

    John Auston: Re: Advanced Card Counting/UBZII

    > Also, is there anybody on this board that
    > uses George's UBZII count?

    I do.


  3. #3

    Bren_22: Re: Advanced Card Counting/UBZII

    > I do.


  4. #4

    addicted: UBZII

    what is the UBZII?

    thxs for any replies

  5. #5

    Neko: Re: UBZII

    > what is the UBZII?

    > thxs for any replies

    I use UBZII, and I believe Parker does also.

    UBZII is the Unbalance Zen Count II, a level two count put forth by George C.


  6. #6
    John Auston

    John Auston: Re: Advanced Card Counting/UBZII

    > ...and...why?...


    Because it is very powerful, for all # of decks in play, and very simple - especially for double deck, my preferred game.

    No true counting.
    Pivot at point of first advantage, which I like
    better than KO's pivot at close to max bet territory.

    It is very close in power to the RPC, which I think is the best of the level 2 balanced counts.

    One reason that it is so powerful, I think, is that it just does not hurt that much to value the ace at 1/2 the other big cards, and it improves the count for Insurance, the most important of all indices.


  7. #7

    Parker: Re: Advanced Card Counting/UBZII

    > Also, is there anybody on this board that
    > uses George's UBZII count?

    I've been using UBZ2 for just under two years, playing mostly single and double deck games.

  8. #8
    12 to 16

    12 to 16: Re: Advanced Card Counting/UBZII

    > It is very close in power to the RPC, which
    > I think is the best of the level 2 balanced
    > counts.

    Why do you prefer RPC to Hi-Opt II?

  9. #9
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Re: Advanced Card Counting/UBZII

    > Why do you prefer RPC to Hi-Opt II?

    No side count of aces needed.



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