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Thread: Hollywood: If SD if always our partner

  1. #1

    Hollywood: If SD if always our partner

    and is always there to keep us company, then why
    does the percentage of Pen matter.
    We as players never know what the cards are that are not getting into the game. Probably most of
    the time (based on SD) they should be neutral. So, if we assume they are neutral most of the time, then the Pen should not be an issue. But, if we get good Pen (say 80%) but the 20% is all pictures then that Pen is useless to us anyway and vice versa.
    I'm not sure if i'm saying exactly what I mean,(I
    always have a little difficulty expressing myself) but this has been bothering me and I wanted some feedback from my from my BJ brothers.
    Anybody have any thoughts on this?????????



  2. #2
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Re: If SD if always our partner

    >Probably most of the time (based on SD) they should be neutral. So, if we assume they are neutral most of the time, then the Pen should not be an issue.

    If you always assume they're neutral, there's no sense in playing, is there?!

    Pen is important because, when we do have the advantage, we want to enjoy it for as long as possible. SD simply reminds us that, edge or no edge, our results are going to fluctuate around some mean, or average, overall result. But, that mean result is going to be substantially better, the deeper we are permitted to play against the deck.


  3. #3

    Hollywood: Re: If SD if always our partner

    > >Probably most of the time (based on SD)
    > they should be neutral. So, if we assume
    > they are neutral most of the time, then the
    > Pen should not be an issue.

    > If you always assume they're neutral,
    > there's no sense in playing, is there?!

    > Pen is important because, when we do have
    > the advantage, we want to enjoy it for as
    > long as possible. SD simply reminds us that,
    > edge or no edge, our results are going to
    > fluctuate around some mean, or average,
    > overall result. But, that mean result is
    > going to be substantially better, the deeper
    > we are permitted to play against the deck.

    > Don
    Don, thanks for clearing that up. And welcome back.


  4. #4

    Steamer: Re: If SD if always our partner

    > As I have heard others say before and it is quite true if you think about it. As long as there are cards cut out of play be it 5% or 50%,
    there is NO WAY to know FOR SURE what the (TRUE) true count is. That is why they call it gambling, and that is why we have things like S.D's and averages.

  5. #5
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Re: If SD if always our partner

    > there is NO WAY to know FOR SURE what the
    > (TRUE) true count is. That is why they call
    > it gambling, and that is why we have things
    > like S.D's and averages.

    That's really not true. The true count is the running count divided by decks remaining, for many systems. You can know FOR SURE precisely what that true count is. It's different to state that, despite this knowledge, you may not get the cards you're hoping for.

    I hope you understand the difference between the two statements.



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