The LVRJ website has posted its video of the Stardust implosion, which occurred early this morning. Oddly enough, even though the time of the implosion was not given ahead of time to discourage the general public from watching, Boyd made a big spectacle out of it with a 4-minute fireworks show and a 200-ft tall countdown on the side of the building. Guess they did that for all of the bigwigs and people associated with the Stardust who had a party during the implosion. If I didn't have to be up early, I would have liked to camp out for it. I saw the Desert Inn come down in October of 2001, which was a ... wait for it ... blast!

Anyway, I also recommend watching the video at the link you'll see on the page referenced below called "Pre-implosion video." Very informative, especially if you enjoy learning stuff like the Stardust is the 4th-tallest building to be imploded in the world.
