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Thread: Private Forum Policy (Paranoia is reality seen on a finer scale)

  1. #1
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Private Forum Policy (Paranoia is reality seen on a finer scale)

    • Multiple private forums can exist. But, let’s not get carried away.
    • Try to keep information that is not private on the public forums to avoid discussion fragmentation. Please do not keep non-sensitive information secret.
    • Private forums will be invisible to anyone not in the forum.
    • Each private forum will have a forum leader.
    • Membership will be by invitation by the forum leader only.
    • BTF (Blackjack The Forum) will have no say in membership.
    • Members should avoid discussion of the existence of any private forums in the public forums.
    • Only “active” members can be added to a private forum. “Active” is currently defined as someone that has been a general forum member for five days and made five posts. These limits will be raised in a few days. To see if you are an active member, try to send a Private Message (PM).
    • A private forum must have at least six initial members, including the leader. (I’ll waive this if the purpose of a smaller forum makes sense.)
    • General site rules apply to private forums, with the exception of the sensitive information rule.
    • There is no charge for private forums. This policy will remain unless there is abuse of the feature.

    Note: If you are a member of a private forum, you will see threads and posts on the sidebar, in What’s New, and in search results. Not to worry, they are not visible anywhere for non-members.

    To begin a private forum, send me the name, list of initial members and identify which is the forum leader.

    Nothing is set in stone. Suggestions are still welcome.
    Last edited by Norm; 07-14-2012 at 02:34 PM.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  2. #2
    Senior Member moo321's Avatar
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    Well, that's certainly a democratic and interesting way to handle this. Set up your own private forums!

  3. #3
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    The Icky Factor

    I have been involved with many teams over the years in various capacities. But, I have never played for a team. Don’t get me wrong; team play makes a great deal of sense for so many reasons. I just feel it’s too much like a job.

    Teams spend lots of effort attempting to “vet” members and avoid cheating. I have a section in my book contributed by Richard Reid on the subject, and give out free software to examine results looking for various problems. But, I don’t personally want to be involved with such. No more than I want to vet people for private forums. Same sort of thing in my mind. I’ll supply tools, and I’ll provide private forums. But, count me out when it comes to claiming that I know how to vet anyone. My philosophy has always been, if I don’t know how to do something well, I’d rather not do it at all. (Had to practice a lot before losing my virginity.)

    Having said that, I have great respect for team managers. This is a much tougher job than people realize.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  4. #4
    Member Severity8's Avatar
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    Thank you for your intellect and time.

  5. #5

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    What the heck happened to this site? I can't even view the threads that I previously started. They're all private now!

  6. #6
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thirdbase View Post
    What the heck happened to this site? I can't even view the threads that I previously started. They're all private now!
    We made a much discussed change to reduce the noise. See
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    A mere $3 a month will allow you to see the private forum.

  8. #8

    0 out of 2 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    Well, that's certainly a democratic and interesting way to handle this.


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BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.