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Thread: brownian bridge: unbalanced system for NRS

  1. #1
    brownian bridge

    brownian bridge: unbalanced system for NRS

    Is it possible to use unbalanced counting system for NRS?
    If so, how?

  2. #2
    brownian bridge

    brownian bridge: Re: unbalanced system for NRS

    suppose 6 deck game, 0.5 deck known slug and 0.5 deck
    unknown slug make 1 deck play zone.
    by NRS formula, multiplier is -1.67, pseudo deck is 1.83
    and if I have information that Hi-Lo RC of the 0.5 slug is, say, -5.

    in this case, can I use KO?
    starting KO RC from 5x1.67-4x1.83=1.03 ???


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