Two Wrongs Can Make a Right
, 07-06-2015 at 03:53 PM (14016 Views)
Is it possible that if you make twomistakes, you could actually make the right final decision? Considerwhat I recently witnessed at a Blackjack table. We were playing aneight deck shoe. After one and a half decks were dealt the player inthe middle seat trippled his bet and said, “there are no tens leftin that deck!” The cards came out something like; Jack, Queen,Jack, Ten, King, King, Jack, Queen, Ten, Queen, King, Ten and a Jackfor the Dealer's up-card. I'm not exagerating at all. All sixplayer's had 20 and the dealer had a ten up! I don't remember everseeing that before, much less after someone made a statement likethat! Everyone stayed of course and the dealer flipped a Nine underhis Jack.
The first mistake is obvious. Certainly, with only a deck and a half removed, it would have beenimpossible for all the Tens to be removed. Even if all of theprevious rounds looked like this one there would still be 56 Tensleft. I don't need to show my work, do I? The second mistake isobvious to the advantage player. You would not increase your bet ifthere were no Tens left! You would leave the table! He won tripplehis previous wanger baecuase he made two errors that cancelled eachother out. Maybe in Blackjack two wrongs make a right.