Player Bust Rates
, 04-25-2012 at 05:47 AM (23412 Views)
Look around the web, and you will find dozens of sites that talk about dealer bust rates. Which is odd since it is a near useless statistic (not counting odd bonuses and side bets). What you do not see are discussions of player bust rates. Also generally useless. However, as it can be useful in the discussion of bonuses, I put together a chart:
This chart is only for six decks, H17, DAS, dealer peeks with ten or ace, basic strategy, and split hands count. Each bar indicates the percentage of hands that result in the player total on the x-axis. The player busts less often than the dealer as the dealer is forced to hit in bad situations. Clearly you can increase the numbers by hitting more often, which is of value if there is a bonus for busting.