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Modern Blackjack nth Edition

Advantage by count when first card is known, 6:5 BJ

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On page 464 in Modern Blackjack, I provide a chart of the advantages by card and by count if you know the first card. For example, if you know your first card is an ace, your advantage is about 51%. A staggering number. But, what if you are playing Blackjack pay 6:5?

The below chart is single-deck Blackjack, H17, nDAS, one player, four rounds, card counting with HiLo. The advantage for counts -10 to +10. Lower numbers, but still huge advantages.

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  1. MARILLION's Avatar
    When one of payer’s first two cards and dealer's up card are known at the same time, is the advantage the sum of both advantages?
    Like let's say you know one of your first two cards will be a ten-valued card and at the same time dealer will be showing a five.

    Is our advantage 14% + 24% (or whatever number Peter Griffin calculated for dealer showing a five) = 38%?
  2. Norm's Avatar
    Nope. Should be better. Have to run that some time.
  3. MARILLION's Avatar
    I think nobody has published such table yet.

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