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Is Card Counting Legal

Missouri Gaming Law

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I added this post by Ryemo on Missouri gambling laws as it contains the most explicit statement written into law that card counting is legal that I've ever seen:

Quote Originally Posted by Ryemo View Post
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I actually keep this PDF file on my phone in case I come across any trouble, considering how active I am in MO. This should clear some things up.

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Updated 06-17-2016 at 08:45 AM by Is Card Counting Legal

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  1. Boz's Avatar
    [h=2]Card counter tossed. Sues. Loses.
    Current rules promulgated after incident, before case.

    Article agrees barring is now illegal, but is dismayed that same person still barred for counting.

    You guys are dicks.

    Missouri Court of Appeals,Eastern District,Division One.[/h][h=3]Stuart ZIGLIN, Appellant, v. PLAYERS MH, L.P., d/b/a Player's Island Casino, Respondent.
    [/h][h=3]No. ED 77879.[/h][h=3]Decided: January 30, 2001[/h]
  2. BarryH's Avatar
    Card counting was never illegal just hearsay. Obviously casinos worked hard to protect their interests and searched for many ways to thwart it plus after Thorpe released his book this became a huge problem for Casinos worldwide. Disinformation plus the fact they knew no one reads the rules/small print was the direct reaction to this.
  3. szwejo's Avatar
    I found the article here: and they wrote that: "Land based casinos across the United States depend heavily on camera surveillance(...)" and "Video footage is also used to see if players are cheating at the table by using edge sorting or card counting techniques". So I think that card counting is illegal. I wonder how casinos know if someone count cards? Maybe longer reaction time to hit or not...

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