• Bill to ban all U.S. online gambling

    It is reported that Lindsey Graham will propose a bill to halt all online gaming in the U.S. As legal online gambling has already begun in three states, and bills to expand or legalize exist in ten states, it would seem unlikely that a federal ban could pass. Probably just trying to satisfy Adelson.


    Recent photo of Lindsey Graham without his mask
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Blitzkrieg's Avatar
      Blitzkrieg -
      The writer misspelled Adelsons first name incorrectly in the original article. Sounds like more backdoor deals, money under the table, palms getting greased shenanigans and I think Graham will fail. I don't believe that the brick and mortar side of the business is going to be affected that much by the rise of online gambling. If they want to see real results the should try reversing the trend of Made in America being a novelty. That may turn things around. After what happened with the online poker scandal a few years back involving several big names in the poker world.... who could trust the online world of gaming. It's a quick fix.
    1. Marvin's Avatar
      Marvin -
      Graham is up for re-election this year and will face a primary challenge from the right in a state with a significant Tea Party presence.
      He needs money and he wants to appeal to the 'moral' wing of the party.

      Adelson hosted a 1k/plate fundraiser for Graham last year.

      Can't find the original quote, but I'll paraphrase the sentiment: it's not surprising that politicians are for sale, what is surprising is how cheaply they can be bought.

      Let's hope that congressional dysfunction does some good for a change.
    1. muffdiver's Avatar
      muffdiver -
      Hope this doesn't cross Norm's line for political statements and it shouldn't because it's bipartisan. The sooner we can rid Congress of the "establishment" politicians of BOTH parties, the better!!!
    1. Blitzkrieg's Avatar
      Blitzkrieg -
      Quote Originally Posted by Marvin View Post
      Adelson hosted a 1k/plate fundraiser for Graham last year.

      Can't find the original quote, but I'll paraphrase the sentiment: it's not surprising that politicians are for sale, what is surprising is how cheaply they can be bought.

      Let's hope that congressional dysfunction does some good for a change.
      My my, it seems as if their friendship runs deeper than originally thought. I wonder what kind of comp packages the Senator was receiving? You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

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