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  1. Onomatopoeia

    Ploppy, such an ugly sounding word. In my book, I do not use it once in 680 pages. I do use “pit critter.” Once, to explain why I don’t use the characterization. I generally avoid derogatory terms. But, this is more than a matter of civil discussion. The word “ploppy” is used to denote an incompetent player, just as the name “pit critter” denotes a pit boss in a derogatory manner. It may give someone some measure of satisfaction in putting down these people. But, what is the actual
  2. Sittin’ on the dock of the bay

    There has been much discussion about the different methods of integerizing Blackjack true counts: flooring, truncating and rounding. Card counters simplify true count indexes because non-integer indexes simply provide no appreciable gain. Studies have shown that truncation is slightly less preferable when the player estimates remaining cards exactly. However, players do not estimate cards exactly. Two studies I have not seen. First, comparing these three methods when the player estimates remaining
  3. Musings: Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground

    Back in my “car” days (decades ago), I’m embarrassed to say I racked up a rather large number of traffic tickets. Not just that I had a lead foot, but at one time or another I had three Italian, mid-engine cars that looked like you were speeding while sitting at a stop light. Indeed I once got a speeding ticket while washing my car. The cop didn’t like my hair. A NY judge later apologized to me for the incident – and then disqualified me for jury-duty. (But, that’s another story.)
  4. CVData Multi-core and Hyper-threading Advice

    I’ve been missing for a couple weeks, spending my time in upgrade Hell, moving to a new machine. The good news is that this has given me a chance to experiment with hyper-threading advances.

    Most PCs sold these days have multiple cores. A growing percentage have hyper-threading, which theoretically allows two threads per core. This means that a supporting application can run more quickly by splitting its tasks into multiple threads. Unfortunately, only a tiny percentage of applications
  5. Advantage by Count Chart for REKO

    I was asked for a chart of advantage by count for REKO, six decks, H17, DAS. Only the single-deck chart is in the book. Soo, below is the chart given 75% penetration and four billion rounds. I charted both TBA (Total Bet Advantage) and IBA (Initial Bet Advantage) to provide another purpose to this rather boring chart. Initial Bet Advantage is the advantage counting only the initial bet (not added split and double bets), and this is what we care about as risk must be based upon the initial bet.
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BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.