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  1. Advantage per Running Count, Unbalanced Strategy

    We have seen charts showing the advantage a player has by section of the shoe for each True Count when discussing Floating Advantage. But, what about unbalanced counts?

    I created a chart showing the advantage by running count using REKO-F for the first deck in the shoe through the fifth deck in the shoe. In the earlier sections of the shoe, high counts are not possible as the initial running count is negative. This chart is provide with no editorialization.


    Updated 06-16-2019 at 04:01 AM by Norm

  2. Player Bust Rates

    Look around the web, and you will find dozens of sites that talk about dealer bust rates. Which is odd since it is a near useless statistic (not counting odd bonuses and side bets). What you do not see are discussions of player bust rates. Also generally useless. However, as it can be useful in the discussion of bonuses, I put together a chart:

    This chart is only for six decks, H17, DAS, dealer peeks with ten or ace, basic strategy,
  3. Martingale as Cover

    Over the years, many have tried to resurrect Martingale betting (doubling the bet when you lose a hand). As we all know, Martingale betting fails, in Blackjack or in any endeavor involving betting. So, what if we use Martingale betting as cover? That is, we use Martingale at times when counting cards to try to look like a poor player, in an attempt to assuage the fears of the casino. The ideas vary, but usually involve either using a Martingale when the count is negative and correct betting when
  4. Won Hands when Hole-Carding

    On card counting forums, the question is often asked “At what count do you win the majority of hands?” The long-known answer is at no count. Even at high counts, you win fewer than half of the hands. You make money because of Blackjacks, doubles, splits, insurance, and betting.

    But, what about hole-card play? With hole-carding, you get a peek at the dealer’s downcard. Surely, you will win far more hands as you have such important information. And it is well-known that the advantages
  5. Relative difficulty of card counting strategies

    I thought that I’d take a harder look a Blackjack card counting strategy difficulty. The point at which our minds are busiest with counting is just after the dealer has dealt the initial cards, or during the dealing of each player’s second card. At this point, we are counting pairs of cards. We know that many pairs of cards cancel each other, leaving a zero count for the pair, and that this greatly speeds counting as we can ignore that card pair. So, let us start by looking at the count of pairs
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BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.