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  1. The Casino as Partner

    I was thinking about nasty people and the causes of nastiness. Unfortunately, there seems to be a larger percentage of nasty people in the card counting world than in the set of all humans. Not terribly surprising as the actual practice of card counting can be a lonely endeavor, surrounded by unpleasant and less than interesting people and surroundings. BUT, most of the truly successful counters that I have known appear to be really nice guys (or at least successfully present themselves as such).
  2. Dealer Upcard Manipulation II

    This is a follow on to the Dealer Upcard Manipulation post which should be read first.

    This is the opposite of the previous study. Here, if the dealer knows the next card is a ten, she will always make it the downcard and if it is not, will always make it the upcard. Each bar represents a different card.

    I’ll leave conclusions to the reader.
  3. Dealer Upcard Manipulation

    There are times where the dealer might see the next card out of the shoe. Suppose that the dealer decides the upcard depending on this information? For example, if the dealer knows the next card is a ten, she will always make it the upcard and if it is not, will always make it the downcard. In this case, the house edge is a miserable 3.64%. (Miserable for the player.) Below is a chart displaying the house edge for the same scenario for each possible card, assuming six decks, S17, DAS, LS, and Basic
  4. Spanish 21: What are hands worth?

    On pages 372 and 274 of Modern Blackjack, I present charts displaying the advantage and amount won per hand by a basic strategy Blackjack player. The charts look different because the frequency of hands is different. Unfortunately, a crappy 12 is a lot more likely than an excellent 11. I thought I would create the same charts, but for Spanish 21, as many card counters have moved to SP21. Find them below for six decks, H17 with double down rescue but no redouble. For differences in the chart,
  5. Blackjack Card Counting Volatility Cones

    Well, the title isn’t accurate. But, it’s where I got the idea for a new, rather unusual, trio of charts.

    On page 443 of Modern Blackjack, I provide a chart of the theoretical range of results given a 90% confidence level. I thought that I would expand on this. These charts were based on playing six decks, S17, DAS, LS, 4.8/6 penetration, with a 1-15 spread using High-Low with full indexes and four players. Any set of circumstances provides a measurable advantage. Unfortunately, luck
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BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.