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  1. Definition of a Progression Player

    Most people know that two wrongs don’t make a right. From this, we can logically infer that three wrongs don’t make a right. A progressionist is a person that believes that if he could only be allowed no limitations on the number of wrongs, then he would be right.
  2. Getting old?

    Saw an article today that huge sunspot activity at the end of next year may cause massive technology blackouts. Sounds bad. But, that was followed up by a commercial for a refrigerator that has built-in Wi-Fi. Now, I’ve been in tech for longer than most everyone. But, when my refrigerator starts tweeting me, perhaps it’s time for a vacation from technology.
  3. The Casino as Partner

    I was thinking about nasty people and the causes of nastiness. Unfortunately, there seems to be a larger percentage of nasty people in the card counting world than in the set of all humans. Not terribly surprising as the actual practice of card counting can be a lonely endeavor, surrounded by unpleasant and less than interesting people and surroundings. BUT, most of the truly successful counters that I have known appear to be really nice guys (or at least successfully present themselves as such).
  4. Onomatopoeia

    Ploppy, such an ugly sounding word. In my book, I do not use it once in 680 pages. I do use “pit critter.” Once, to explain why I don’t use the characterization. I generally avoid derogatory terms. But, this is more than a matter of civil discussion. The word “ploppy” is used to denote an incompetent player, just as the name “pit critter” denotes a pit boss in a derogatory manner. It may give someone some measure of satisfaction in putting down these people. But, what is the actual
  5. Musings: Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground

    Back in my “car” days (decades ago), I’m embarrassed to say I racked up a rather large number of traffic tickets. Not just that I had a lead foot, but at one time or another I had three Italian, mid-engine cars that looked like you were speeding while sitting at a stop light. Indeed I once got a speeding ticket while washing my car. The cop didn’t like my hair. A NY judge later apologized to me for the incident – and then disqualified me for jury-duty. (But, that’s another story.)
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About Blackjack: The Forum

BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.