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  1. Fractional Insurance Index

    Nearly everyone uses integer indices these days as attempting to use indices like +1.4 provide little additional gain. This isn’t just because indices aren’t that sensitive. It is also because such theoretic indices aren’t even correct. The advantage over increasing counts for a decision is not a simple linear relationship. A decision may make sense at a count of 1.3 and 1.5 but not 1.4. When we focus in more closely and look at the advantage chart between two integer counts, we no longer

    Updated 04-25-2012 at 04:53 AM by Norm

  2. Relative difficulty of card counting strategies

    I thought that I’d take a harder look a Blackjack card counting strategy difficulty. The point at which our minds are busiest with counting is just after the dealer has dealt the initial cards, or during the dealing of each player’s second card. At this point, we are counting pairs of cards. We know that many pairs of cards cancel each other, leaving a zero count for the pair, and that this greatly speeds counting as we can ignore that card pair. So, let us start by looking at the count of pairs
  3. A few words on color-dependent card counting strategies

    The most famous color-dependent card counting system is Red7, but there are several. In Red7, you count the red sevens, but not the black sevens. The idea is to realize results that are closer to a level 2 strategy, without using a more complicated level 2 strategy. In a level 2 strategy, you would have to count the sevens as .5, or double all the tag values.

    Of course, counting half the sevens is less efficient. Betting correlation theoretically drops from 98.4% to 97.2% and playing
  4. Lucky Ladies Using Insurance Side Count

    This is an extension of the last post on Lucky Ladies. I received the following e-mail:

    “I read your chapter on Lucky Ladies using the Hi-Lo system. When I play I count Hi-Lo and my friend uses the 10-count system (all cards +1 except 10′s are -2) for insurance purposes. Would the 10-count system be better for Lucky Ladies since it keeps track of all the 10′s?”

    I know of people that use specialized side counts for LL, but have not heard of anyone specifically using an insurance
  5. Lucky Ladies Double-Deck

    Normally, we think of improved odds with fewer decks. Of course, this is not always true with side bets. With Lucky Ladies, we are looking for two heart Queens. This is less likely with fewer decks. With two decks, there are only two heart Queens. So, if we have one, there is only one card left that will give us a large bonus.

    This is a continuation of the previous post on Lucky Ladies and uses the same payoff schedule. So, what are the results? With this schedule and two decks, the
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BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.