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  1. Las Vegas, the once friendly city

    In earlier days, Las Vegas, even its cab drivers, were remarkably friendly and helpful. The beginning of the change was a quarter of a century back, not recent. I remember talking to casino workers, 25 years ago, about how the friendliness of the city had dissipated. Nothing to dissipate now. A resort city must be, primarily, about fun. FUN. Not gouging you for every dollar you have. Atlantic City, in one casino, has put its future profits on "gentlemen's bars." This is a good fit with the current ...
  2. Reactions to negative comments in a casino

    I have seen hundreds of posts over the years expressing negative reactions to other players and unpleasant dealers. Including those that say they will leave a casino in an unpleasant situation. I’m sorry, but, to me, this sounds a bit like; I went hiking and saw a priceless, ancient arrowhead laying on the ground; but it was raining so I went home instead of picking it up.

    OK, that’s an exaggeration. And yes, it is absolutely allowed, and can even be therapeutic, to vent about ...
  3. What happens if you are tresspassed, return, and win?

    The question has been asked, if you have been trespassed, that is told to never to enter a casino again, what happens if you do and you make a large win? Can the casino to refuse to pay you? Suppose you put a dollar in a Video Poker machine and hit the jackpot?

    This is a tough question, and varies by location and specifics. But, let us look at it from a practical point of view.

    There exists an old maxim, ostensibly by Thomas Draxis in 1616, that possession is nine points
  4. What should be your initial buy-in at a table?

    It should be no surprise that this is a common question. So, so many variables:

    • Do you have chips from that casino?
    • Are you known at the casino? Known in what manner?
    • Do they allow money (cash) plays and in what circumstances?
    • How big is the casino?
    • What is your “act?”

    First, it needs to made clear that this is not Poker table stakes or a tournament. You can go in your pocket at any time and pull out cash. These days, betting cash is often not allowed. But, you can
  5. They are watching you

    Apparently, GM’s OnStar always tracks your car location, even if you drop your subscription. And everyone gets a free trial subscription. That is, they keep a database of your driving habits, and sell it. Now, they claim the info is anonymized, so that particular cars cannot be identified by the buyer. But, it seems it is possible to hack the data. Kinda rings my paranoia button. Like, a casino tracking your past movements.

    Or, as David Crosby wrote:

    “You know, it
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BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.