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  • blueman's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:13 PM
    If I want to figure out how much I should be down on an internet blackjack game after 1 million hands at $10 per hand with a house edge of 0.1% with the average number of units wagered per hand at...
    0 replies | 12 view(s)
  • Midwest Player's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:37 PM
    Here are the MTU snow statues.
    22 replies | 4912 view(s)
  • CHRONO's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:06 PM
    I'm starting to work on calculating the EV for splits as I think that's probably the most likely spot for errors in the code. In order to calculate the EV for the splits, I would want to track the...
    9 replies | 449 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:59 PM
    Read the comments as well. Don
    1 replies | 129 view(s)
  • 151Proof's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:43 PM
    I have noticed they are putting up fake walls and getting rid of thier tables. Does anybody know what is going on? I noticed the lowest crap table was 50 dollars. What a shame! I never heard of a...
    1 replies | 129 view(s)
  • Gronbog's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 09:35 PM
    Gronbog replied to a thread The thrill of the drill in Software
    Just for completeness, my EV-maximizing Hi-Lo index for 6 decks is also +4.
    12 replies | 396 view(s)
  • OnlineAP's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 08:05 PM
    It isn't tricky to simulate, but it is tricky to compare your results with results created by other combinatorial analysis (CA) programs. I can ask Eric's CA what the EV is when the dealer has an...
    9 replies | 449 view(s)
  • CHRONO's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 06:04 PM
    Thanks, I hadn't considered this approach. I really appreciate you providing this data. What makes the dealer BJ tricky? If its's a natural it should resolve as either a push or a loss (ignoring...
    9 replies | 449 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 05:51 PM
    DSchles replied to a thread The thrill of the drill in Software
    Ugh. Sorry. I'll go back and correct the original. P.S. It might have helped if I had read the last full paragraph of page 20 of the book before responding! Don
    12 replies | 396 view(s)
  • VonDox's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 02:36 PM
    I think the key to index plays is a simple rule that I have followed.. Whatever index plays you DO decide to learn ( and learning 15 to 20 plays will have a significant increase to your chances of...
    16 replies | 937 view(s)
  • OnlineAP's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 01:51 PM
    This is another set of data that you can use to cross-check your results with Eric's code. I modified Eric's code to collect the EV separately for each first decision. Player Blackjack is lumped in...
    9 replies | 449 view(s)
  • Midwest Player's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 01:10 PM
    Check out the blizzard now.
    22 replies | 4912 view(s)
  • Cacarulo's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 12:40 PM
    Cacarulo replied to a thread The thrill of the drill in Software
    You meant RA, not EM. :) Sincerely, Cac
    12 replies | 396 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 12:36 PM
    DSchles replied to a thread The thrill of the drill in Software
    Thank you! Heard back from Dave that, indeed, +11 is the R-A index. And, the reason for using it that way is that, even so, it ranks a measly 48 out of the 50 in the chart. Were it the +4...
    12 replies | 396 view(s)
  • Cacarulo's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 12:20 PM
    Cacarulo replied to a thread The thrill of the drill in Software
    Hi Don, It seems to me that in the book, you must be using the RA index for this play. The EM index (Hi-Lo) I get is +3/+4 for 6 or 8 decks and +4 for 4 decks. In CAC2, there is a +4 difference...
    12 replies | 396 view(s)
  • Sidecount's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 12:12 PM
    Not impossible. But I do think there are some floor and surveillance know 12 v. 4 and 13 v. 2 as potential counter plays. Whatever book from surveillance guy that I read I believe mentioned those...
    16 replies | 937 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 11:03 AM
    DSchles replied to a thread The thrill of the drill in Software
    Very clear explanation and presentation of the data. I actually learned something, which I don't get to say all that often! I wouldn't have known that, in ENHC, where the loss in EV to the player is...
    12 replies | 396 view(s)
  • OnlineAP's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 10:05 AM
    I thought it might help if I just dump Eric's analysis for you to look at. The EV is -0.615389123, which means I am probably using the same rules as you. There may be a slight change in EV due to...
    9 replies | 449 view(s)
  • moo321's Avatar
    02-06-2025, 09:39 AM
    I've never had any indication that a floor person became even slightly suspicious of a play from hitting stiffs. Same for more senior personnel. I've never seen it. I've never seen any...
    16 replies | 937 view(s)
  • Midwest Player's Avatar
    02-05-2025, 10:03 PM
    It's Winter Carnival Time at MTU. Tonight is the all nighter, and I remember it well from my college days. Tomorrow is the judging along with a blizzard that is suppose to hit around 11:00 am. This...
    22 replies | 4912 view(s)
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