There are two abbreviations used in CBJN (see below), and they describe two different situations. ES10 and ESXA are, obviously, NOT the same thing, so if, according to the OP, "when the Ace is up he...
A few days ago I came across an online blackjack game that I hadn't played before. I had a 16 and the dealer had a face card up I surrendered the hand and to my surprise the dealer had an Ace in the...
In CVBJ Options-Settings-True Count tab: select Use Running Count with Zero index.
In CVCX, create a user strategy based on the strategy you wish to change using Define/Edit Strategy. On the...
Hi, maybe there's something I'm not understanding about tracking count, but I'm running into an issue with tracking deviations correctly in negative counts. Consider the following deviations:
Hi Cac! That's great! And thanks for keeping the thread alive. I am curious to see what kind of speed you get and how much memory it will use! Eric is right, currently we are unable to calculate SPL3...
Hey all. I'm trying to reinstall CVBJ and CVCX on my computer, and while both run fine when I click "try it" and boot into demo mode, when I try to input my license number and hit "register" they...
Hi Eric,
You’re absolutely right about the minimum memory required for 6D. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough memory to evaluate 6D, SPL3. I attempted to run your program but wasn’t successful.
You can answer questions like these with the program here:
Or at least you can for SPL2, as indicated below....
The book Blackbelt in Blackjack covers Zen. You may want to run your own indexes for it, though. The indexes might be slightly incorrect, since it was created on really old computer hardware.
It's coincidentally close to the approximately 1.15 value for per-hand standard deviation if you flat bet. But, it's not the same derivation. The 1.13 is simply the flat-bet one unit per hand...
Since you already know Hi-Opt II, I would highly recommend that you use Zen. The difference in tags is only the 6 (and Ace obviously). That's a small transition to make.
I don't play BJ much...