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  • Overkill's Avatar
    Today, 11:25 AM
    Apologies, Don. After not hearing from Bryce for a bit, I stopped checking my non-primary email account until recently. I'm happy to report he has replied! And I have replied to him. Thanks...
    16 replies | 2399 view(s)
  • Norm's Avatar
    Today, 11:23 AM
    Norm started a thread BJ Resources Charts in Announcements
    Don pointed out to me that the Charts function under BJ Resources was broken. Now fixed. There are 21,926 charts.
    0 replies | 0 view(s)
  • Midwest Player's Avatar
    Today, 11:03 AM
    Heck, when is this snow going to stop. Since the beginning of January it has snowed every day except for 4 days. In the last week alone we have received almost 4 feet of snow, and with 222 inches for...
    23 replies | 5287 view(s)
  • Lester's Avatar
    Today, 09:33 AM
    Pit boss in a tuxedo: wow. Like a James Bond movie.
    53 replies | 2233 view(s)
  • OnlineAP's Avatar
    Today, 06:57 AM
    OnlineAP replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    If I gain further information, I will change my probability estimates. I already assign a very high probability that the data are correct. I will still never get remotely close to 100% based on how I...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:42 PM
    DSchles replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    So, what's the next step? When he tells us his information is 100% reliable, are you going to dazzle us with Bayes' Theorem to analyze what the probability is that someone who tells you his...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • bjarg's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:36 PM
    bjarg replied to a thread Roulette in General Blackjack Forum
    2 plays. 3 players + 1 team the first one. 6 players the second one. I probably got more from that than you will in your entire ap career.
    14 replies | 948 view(s)
  • Archvaldor's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:06 PM
    Wow. As many as that.
    14 replies | 948 view(s)
  • OnlineAP's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:43 PM
    OnlineAP replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    I have no idea whether the data cited in this case is good or has omissions. C_AUREO21 has not said how much confidence he has in his data. I also find that a large fraction of gamblers feel they...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:28 PM
    DSchles replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    "Short-term effect" doesn't mean anything, mathematically. If your numbers are accurate then what I'm telling you is that the game is rigged. What is it that you think I just did?? Don
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:22 PM
    DSchles replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    You're just pulling this number out of thin air, right? You have no way to justify your assertion, do you? Why do you think there's no strong incentive to know if you're being cheated or not? I...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • C_AUREO21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:43 AM
    C_AUREO21 replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    so based on your analysis there is no possibility of a short-term effect of the number of BLACKJACKS. maybe someone can help with the statistics. of average BLACKJACKS hands for TC >=3.5 IN A...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • OnlineAP's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:19 AM
    OnlineAP replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    Not so quick! Bayesian probability leans towards the data not being correct. That is, the person is not faithfully recording all BJs in the sequence. If 900 out of 1000 of people do not...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:48 AM
    DSchles replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    OK, let's do a little math. Consider an event with probability p of success, 1-p = q of failure, and n number of hands dealt. Then the mean for such an event is np and the standard deviation is...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • DSchles's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:28 AM
    Yet again, see BJA3, bottom of page 5 and page 6. Don
    53 replies | 2233 view(s)
  • Archvaldor's Avatar
    02-14-2025, 05:37 PM
    This used to be common knowledge but it may not be any more so I'll spell it out: if you play at the same table as another counter your bet patterns will be strongly correlated or identical. That...
    53 replies | 2233 view(s)
  • C_AUREO21's Avatar
    02-14-2025, 03:39 PM
    C_AUREO21 replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    yes regarding the number or percentages of blackjacks of this game I am telling you about I have the following information for TC>= 3.5 THE PERCENTAGE OF BLACKJACKS IN the simulator is...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • C_AUREO21's Avatar
    02-14-2025, 03:33 PM
    C_AUREO21 replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    Interesting what you say Norm of course surely at the beginning of online casinos there must have been little control of RNG systems. I tell you something there is an online game called NON...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
  • tomf23's Avatar
    02-14-2025, 12:13 PM
    To a point I can understand the slash and burn approach in a place like Vegas especially if you avoid Caesars and MGM properties and you don't live there. They're so sweaty anyway and you can...
    53 replies | 2233 view(s)
  • Norm's Avatar
    02-14-2025, 11:47 AM
    Norm replied to a thread cvdata new option in Software
    Depends on how close. I've never calced standard error for those stats. I've only once noticed an online casino with an obviously out of whack percentage of blackjacks in nearly every shoe. They used...
    24 replies | 474 view(s)
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BJTF is an advantage player site based on the principles of comity. That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved. The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and developing the skills required to use that advantage. To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side. Personal conflicts simply get in the way of our goals.